Do you buy stuff on Amazon or at Home Depot? Do you have a favorite chain restaurant you like to visit to regularly or buy airline tickets? Do you have a Kroger store with a fuel center nearby? If so, here’s our favorite way to save MONEY!
We don’t go out to eat much, but we(okay, I) buy a lot on knew I’d need mud boots and mud shoes and mud everything?) Ken’s store of choice right now is Home Depot. Lately it’s stuff for the wood stove and insulation for the shelter. A few months ago he bought a utility trailer to haul water, solar panels and other bulky things we need to get this place livable.

Those were big purchases, but we use amazon for everyday stuff, too. Amazon Prime makes it cheaper to order some items and have them shipped than it is for us to drive an hour into the city and drive back.
So here it is…our favorite way to save money on our everyday purchases is by using Kroger’s “4x fuel points on gift card purchases” promotion. They run this promo about every 6 weeks for loyalty card holders(it’s going on now – as of the time I posted this). The loyalty card is free.

If you buy a $250 gift card and use your loyalty card, you will receive 1000 fuel points (250×4). At the gas pump that 1000 points gets you $1 off per gallon up to 35 gallons.
Yeah, it’s pretty much just getting gas for $1 less per gallon, but whatever. I was going to have to buy gas anyway, so… to me, it’s like getting that $250 gift card for $215!
To get the $35 max on the fuel points, we fill up the truck. If we fill up the car we take the gas cans for the generator, too. When we lived a block away from the fuel station, we took both cars. (There’s nothing that says you can only fill one car.) Now we live far away and this is what it looks like to go into town:

Garbage, propane, grocery bags and gas for the generator.
So, back to that trailer we got at Home Depot. The purchase price was $1250. I went to the Kroger app and purchased Home Depot gift cards in that amount and entered my loyalty card number. Ken used the gift cards on his phone at Home Depot. Here’s how it added up:
1250×4=5000 fuel points
5000 fuel points=$1 off of up to 35 gallons *FIVE TIMES*!
Max Savings=$175
You could buy gift cards and give them as gifts(like a normal person) or you could buy gift cards for stores and restaurants you already frequent and keep them for yourself. It’s a great way to make your dollars stretch a bit, and most of the gift cards don’t expire.
And now the fun part!
We’re giving away a $25 Amazon gift card!
We’re sharing this crazy off-grid, no mortgage, alternative energy life because we hear people say it’s their dream. They say they would if they could. We want to show them what it’s like for us. It may give them what they need to go for it. (Or, it might make them change their minds. Who knows?!)
Either way, we’d love for you to share, like, visit, comment, pin the image at the bottom of this post on Pinterest, etc. In return, we’re giving away one $25 amazon gift card.
For multiple chances to win, like our Facebook page or share on Instagram , visit one of the Amazon links in this post, or sign up for email updates. Check the boxes in the entry form below.
Enter by December 13th at midnight Pacific time. The winner will be chosen by a random number generator on December 14th. Good luck and happy saving!
(Side note: If you’re heading over to Amazon, check out our new SHOP and they’ll give us a little kickback for sending you there.)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
You guys are my heroes! Way to have a dream and make it happen😃