What Off-Grid Means to Us
One of my friends asked me, “How can you be off-grid and still be on Facebook and Instagram?” I don’t know about you, but if I were completely disconnected like she seemed to think I should be, I’d end up talking to a […]

Off-Grid Newbies
We’ve learned a few things since we ditched traditional neighborhood living and went off-grid. (For our definition of off-grid, see “What Off-Grid Means to Us“). Things like how to dispose of our poo and how many appliances it takes to trip a breaker. Things that […]
GIVEAWAY! + How We Save Money on Amazon Gift Cards
Do you buy stuff on Amazon or at Home Depot? Do you have a favorite chain restaurant you like to visit to regularly or buy airline tickets? Do you have a Kroger store with a fuel center nearby? If so, here’s our favorite way to […]